Home Heating Fuel Types

Cleghorn Oil Gives You MORE CHOICES.

Home Heating Fuel Types

Our home heating fuel choices for the 2024-25 heating season include:


Option 1: CLEAN HEAT

Climate-conscious 50% biodiesel fuel that works with your existing heating equipment.

There’s a lot to love about Clean Heat. Locally produced through a zero-waste process, it’s the most advanced clean-burning and environmentally-friendly fuel that we off er.



Traditional fuel, years ahead of industry requirements.

Containing a lower percentage of biodiesel than Clean Heat, our Bio Heating Oil is still ahead of industry requirements and what we consider to be our “traditional” home heating fuel.


An affordable solution for outdoor tanks.

Ideal for homes with exterior storage tanks or tanks prone to freezing due to exposure to low temperatures below 0°F,  our Winter Blend is the purest petroleum* we offer, and is a smart alternative to Kerosene.

* May contain low levels of biodiesel to meet minimum blending mandates.

Option 4: KEROSENE

Our oldest continually delivered fuel and is still used in some manufactured housing with burners not yet reconditioned to use Winter Blend heating fuel. If you are still using Kerosene, please call our office today at (978) 345 – 4188 to see if your burner can be adjusted to use lower cost Winter Blend.

Explore our Payment Plans

Manage your heating costs with our convenient payment plans.